Updates from the field

Home from Ghana

Home from Ghana

On October 11th-18th, we made our first trip to Ghana, West Africa since 2020. It was an administrative trip to explore the new village initiatives from Global Servants, set up the STEAM library at...

Trinity Foundation School Computer Lab

Trinity Foundation School Computer Lab

All the girls at House of Grace Ghana attend Trinity Foundation School until the ninth grade. We are proud to sponsor one of Ghana's most technologically advanced schools. Trinity provides education...

New Textile Arts Lab at House of Grace

New Textile Arts Lab at House of Grace

We are excited about our new vocational labs at both Houses of Grace! At House of Grace Ghana, the older girls have completed their first project, dresses for the younger girls. Our girls are...

Academic Possibilities

Academic Possibilities

We are happy to announce that the end-of-year testing for our ninth graders is complete! All the girls at House of Grace Ghana attend Trinity Foundation School until the ninth grade. Upon completion...

Graduation Rates at House of Grace

Graduation Rates at House of Grace

The longevity of House of Grace Thailand has produced a high graduation rate from the program and a continual increase in educational expectations. When the home opened in 1988, the goal was for the...

March 6th – Independence Day in Ghana

March 6th – Independence Day in Ghana

Every year, millions of Americans look forward to Independence Day. But the United States is not the only country to hold this kind of annual celebration of freedom. Ghana gained its independence...

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