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These habits stay with them into adulthood. Children can recognize the value of money and count it out. They understand that it can be exchanged for things they want and develop an understanding of and appreciation of the need for an income.
At House of Grace, we work diligently to teach the girls to know and love God and follow His ways. Encouraging them to honor God with their money is important. As we head into the holiday season, every girl at House of Grace Thailand and House of Grace Ghana will receive $60 as a Christmas gift. This gift is included as part of the sponsor’s $100 monthly commitment of support and requires nothing additional from sponsor families. In addition, every girl receives $40 as a birthday gift in July. Each girl is in charge of how to give and spend her own money. Our girls get the satisfaction of choosing where they want to give a tithe. Whether it’s a church offering, a donation in school chapel, or a gift for someone in need, the girls find joy in giving back to God and others less fortunate than themselves. Likewise, if there is something they would like to buy, they must find out how much it costs and decide whether it is worth saving for. The girls value their purchases much more when they must save up for them. We teach the importance of saving part of their money toward long-term needs.
Some of our sponsors have received thank-you letters informing them that their sponsor daughter has chosen to save a portion of her birthday money. Our girls come from an atmosphere where saving money is not a priority. Some girls come from homes where every penny earned from minimal daily wages is spent on drugs or used for basic survival needs. Even using a bank is a new concept for some tribal girls. Some girls may be the first in their families to have a savings account.
We are excited to announce that all of the girls at House of Grace Thailand eligible to have a savings account have obtained one. They are so proud of their savings account books and look forward to the opportunity to make deposits into those accounts. The idea of saving for the future is a new concept for our girls, made possible because of the support of donors and sponsors like you. In Ghana, the banking rules and regulations are different. We are working diligently to establish a savings plan that the girls can access. At this time, the dorm mothers keep accounts for the girls and help them to budget their money. Financial literacy education for our girls is the same in Ghana as in Thailand.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Global Servants. Your donation is a representation of Mark 4:8 – you are financially sowing into good ground that will bring forth the highest yield.
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