About Global Servants

Global Servants exists to help individuals and communities primarily in West Africa and Southeast Asia. We serve others through our girls’ homes, education initiatives, investing in rural villages, and spreading the Gospel. We are committed to doing all that we can to improve the lives of people now and for generations to come. Our efforts are chiefly centered around our Houses of Grace, building schools and providing educational resources, offering micro-investments, constructing wells and toilets, and building churches.

Our Mission

These core values are not a departure from anything that Global Servants has already been doing for the last 45 years. They are simply a distillation of the foundation that has already been laid. We have empowered, endowed, educated, and evangelized and we will continue to do that. We are excited for all that God has laid out before us and we are committed to continuing to do all that we can to help others around the world

Our Values

  • Empower

    The core value of empower is primarily focused on House of Grace in Thailand and Ghana. House of Grace Thailand currently has 103 girls and House of Grace Ghana currently has 30 girls. Global Servants has built dormitories, cafeterias, kitchens, gyms, playgrounds and anything else girls might need as they grow. Global Servants pays all the medical bills and all the school fees. By investing in these wonderful girls, Global Servants is able to empower them to see the destiny that they have. Before House of Grace,it was almost impossible for these girls to see themselves having a future. However, through the empowerment of Global Servants, they know that God created them for a reason.

  • Endow

    Our core value of endow manifests itself through our work in rural villages in West Africa and Thailand. We continue to dig wells and build toilets. The wells give the gift of water to isolated villages. The community toilets have also been an absolutely wonderful success. They have transformed the lives and health of people living in rural settlements. These projects have been so rewarding. Global Servants is excited to continue to endow entire towns with these life changing endeavors.

  • Educate

    Education is such an important value. We have done much on this value but we want to do even more. We have built Trinity Foundation School in Kumasi, Ghana. Our school goes from daycare up to 8th grade. We have 154 kids in the daycare and 240 kids in the school. Additionally, we also educate all the girls at the Houses of Grace and pay for as much education as each House of Grace girl wants to receive. However, our issue becomes one of limited resources. How can we do all that God is calling us to do? We cannot build enough schools for every child in West Africa. We cannot construct enough Houses of Grace for every girl in Thailand. So, how do we reach them? We want to begin to resource children and teachers through schools that already exist. We do not have to build schools everywhere. Instead, we can invest in the kids where they are. We are committed to strategic partnerships with local already existing schools to resource them. This will allow us to do all that we can to educate as many children as possible.

  • Evangelize

    Evangelism is how Global Servants started and we remain as committed as ever to it. This core value is found in all our other values. In Thailand, not a single girl that arrives at House of Grace is a Christian but every single girl is a Christian when they leave. We dig wells and build toilets because Jesus commands us to go to the least and the lowest. We want to educate so that the next generation can discover their God given destiny. We always tell every person that we help and serve that the reason we are doing what we do is because of Jesus Christ. Global Servants will never equivocate on the message of Jesus Christ. He is the reason that we do all that we do.

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