What Do You Need Most?

Global Servants • Oct 04, 2024

God has called and equipped us to bring resources to those around the world who desperately need them

A group of children are posing for a picture in front of a building

It always amazes me how certain words bear much more weight in other countries than they do here in America. A prime example of this is the word resource. Here in America, we live in a society filled with ample resources to aid anyone who may need it. We have education available to all children, healthcare, and an infrastructure that provides clean water, electricity, internet, transportation and many more resources we utilize daily. In the two places in which Global Servants operates (West Africa and Thailand), I see firsthand that resources are far more respected and valued by those we serve because, in most cases, resources for living are almost nonexistent. This is where Global Servants has decided to step in!

Here at Global Servants, we know that God has called and equipped us to bring resources to those around the world who desperately need them. For years, we have partnered with village chiefs, local governments, and donors from around the world to build wells, sanitation stations, schools, churches, and homes for girls at risk of human trafficking. Now, Global Servants has decided to offer another resource to those in rural villages of West Africa and Northern Thailand, the resource of education. 

By providing educational resources directly to students, teachers, and schools, we can change the trajectory of young lives by giving them tools to succeed in life and achieve big destinies. Through this new educational initiative, you can now partner with Global Servants to offer resources directly to a village student, a teacher in a rural classroom, and even offer resources to help an entire school. 

How can you resource a student? There are two options. You can resource an individual student in a village school with a one-time gift of just $50. This resource will give a student a backpack, water bottle, and general school supplies like pencils, paper, crayons, chalk, etc. Most students walk several miles through desolate terrain to get to school. The resource of being able to transport the tools of their studies safely and have clean drinking water along the way is life-changing. You can also resource an individual student annually for $300. By offering year-round support for a student, you can provide them with uniforms, pay their tuition, provide meal support, and ensure they receive the ongoing education that allows them to realize their destiny.

How can you resource a teacher? You can resource a teacher by furnishing a classroom (40 students) with a one-time gift of $1,000. When you resource a teacher, you provide essential teaching materials such as books, flashcards, posters, blackboards, desks, and many other teaching materials that will empower teachers to impart as much knowledge as possible to their students. The teachers we have identified in these villages are hardworking, dedicated, and passionate people who care deeply for their students. However, they lack the professional tools necessary to provide their students with the education they desperately want to give.

How can you resource a school? You can resource a rural village school (200 students) with a one-time gift of $5000. This gift might be a new roof, making it possible to have classes during the rainy season. It could be a well so students and faculty can have access to clean drinking water throughout the day. It might also be resourcing a library, or building a sanitation station so that children have a safe and hygienic place to go to the bathroom during classes. When resourcing a school, we approach the headmaster of a school and ask, “What do you need most?” This is what resourcing a school is all about. We can bless an entire school by fulfilling a need that positively impacts the overall educational experience for all students. 

Education is not a new initiative for Global Servants because we have been investing in the education of young people around the world for decades now. On my last trip to Ghana in October 2022, I had the honor of dedicating the new school expansion of Trinity Foundation School on our compound in Anwomaso, Ghana. This state-of-the-art facility has taken us three years to complete. It is one of the only private schools in Ghana to have a fully functioning S.T.E.A.M. program with three different dedicated science labs: physics, biology, and life sciences. The school computer lab can host up to forty students at a time where they learn to navigate the world of technology, placing them higher on the list for university acceptance and job placement. There is also a cafeteria here every student receives a freshly cooked lunch daily. Trinity Foundation School is also now home to a magnificent library.

Thanks to the faithful support of donors from around the world, our students at Trinity Foundation School have access to shelves full of stories, history, and knowledge that can help unlock possibilities for them that they could have never dreamed of.

Now that the school at our headquarters is finished and furnished, it is time to take educational resources to those who desperately need them. I invite you to come alongside us at Global Servants to help these children, teachers, and schools in both West Africa and Northern Thailand. Together, we can offer resources that help others achieve their God-given purpose and step into the big destinies for which they were created. To learn more about these great programs, please visit globalservants.org today.

Tyler Ellis
comes from a background of sales in corporate America. He has been in various positions in ministry for more than ten years. He has served in the local church for many years in various positions but is now dedicated to foreign missions and has served Global Servants since May 2018. Tyler has been married to his beautiful wife, Megan, since 2011. They have three children: Regan, Zeke, and Willow.

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